A Hero's Not Somebody Who's Unafraid, It's The Guy Who's Scared And Does What's Right Anyway
independent, private, highly selective multimuse roleplay blog featuring characters from chicago fire, which is part of the one chicago franchise on nbc. adored by lauren. she / her 31. eastern time zone.
sideblog to gaffns 001 Standard roleplaying etiquette is heavily enforced on this blog. If you don't know what this is by now, I suggest you go look it up. This includes stuff like god-modding, force-shipping, and more. Also please do not involve me in any drama whatsoever. I use writing on Tumblr as my escape from the crazy world we live in, and for me to enjoy it, I need to have a good time. 002 This blog is private and highly selective. This means I will only write with mutuals. Sometimes I am the first to follow back, but if you follow me, it may take me a range of 10 seconds to a week to follow you back. It depends on a number of factors. Also, if we are mutual and I no longer want to interact with you, I will soft-block you. If we do have an active thread, this will not happen so fear not. I really don't like a clogged dashboard, and I will do whatever means necessary to make my dash how I like it.
003 Due to the fact that some of these featured characters are paramedics, mentions of hospitals, needles, death, blood or anything medical will be a constant topic since that is the nature of their job. If these things make you uncomfortable, do not follow. I personally have no triggers myself. I just ask if you tag anything political. 005 I use small font and I just started to use gifs again. sometimes I use a touch of italicizing and bolding on replies. I do use the roleplay formatter for anything in character to make things more efficient. ( makes things so much easier! I do tend to make many edits or manips, and when I use coloring, the psd I use is astraception from waatsoned. 006 Any racist, homophobic, transphobic, sexist, or antisemitism content is not tolerated and I will unfollow with zero hesitation. There is so much hate in the world and it does not need to be on Tumblr. I will also not write with problematic face claims. I do not have a list, but basically if they have done some shit, they are banned.
007 shipping will be selective on this blog as there is several otps that i really am in love with, such as brett and casey, and evan and violet. but if you would like to ship do not hesitate to still ask me, you never know, I just might say yes! on the dawson / casey matter , I do ship it. But for me , they are also toxic and I will only write them as divorced.
truck 81
Primary ✧ Canon Compliant ✧ Jesse SpencerSTELLA KIDD
Request ✧ Canon Compliant ✧ Miranda Rae MayoBLAKE GALLO
Primary ✧ Canon Character ✧ Alberto RosendeCAMERON MCHOLLAND — info
Primary ✧ Original Character ✧ Miles Teller
primary ✧ Original Charcater ✧ Glen Powell
Primary ✧ Canon Compliant ✧ Kara KillmerVIOLET MIKAMI
Primary ✧ Canon Compliant ✧ Hanako GreensmithALEXANDER MORROW — info
Secondary ✧ Original Character ✧ Skylar AstinLIZZIE NOVAK
Secondary ✧ CANON Character ✧ Jocelyn Hudon
Tetitary ✧ Canon Complient ✧ Katelynn Shennett
tetitary ✧ Canon divergent ✧ Jimmy Nicholas
Heavily Affiliated ✧ husband/wife
cameron mcholland
NAME: Cameron McHollandNICKNAME/ALIAS: Baby MouchAGE: 33DATE OF BIRTH: July 1stGENDER & PRONOUNS: male, he/himORIENTATION: heterosexualRACE/ETHNICITY: human / caucasianNATIONALITY: american
HEIGHT: 6’0”WEIGHT: 180 lbs.HAIR: Dark BrownEYES: BrownSCARS: NoneFACE CLAIM: Miles Teller
- coming soonNEUTRAL TRAITS:
- trait
- Randall McHolland
- Lisa JacobsonSIBLINGS:
- Anna ( Half Sibling )SIGNIFICANT OTHER:
- Verse DependentPETS: petOCCUPATION: Firefighter, BartenderHOMETOWN: Portland, Oregon / USACURRENT RESIDENCE: Chicago, Illinois / USALANGUAGES: EnglishACCENT: None
cameron grew up in portland , oregon and never truly knew the identity of his birth father, randall mcholland. or as firehouse 51 calls him, mouch. his mother, lisa, moved away to oregon after a breakup, at the time, not knowing she was pregnant with Cameron. because of this, him deciding to become a firefighter had nothing to do with his father. he found about about his father as a teenager.after attending college majoring in fire science he attended the portland fire academy and completed his candidacy at firehouse twenty-two. this is where he stayed for about seven years. leading up to matt casey moving to portland for the darden boys. matthew becomes his captain. the two started to like and respect each other and somehow they started to talk about family, matt spilling about his chicago firehouse family, which included randall mcholland.Cameron tried to ask him anything about his father which led him to go to the hospital and ask for his birth certificate. Making it all official, mouch was his father. he wanted to get to know the man he never knew that was his birth father . . . so he decided to take a furlough and headed to chicago. . . not expecting to love the windy city and firehouse 51. and become infatuated with randall.he decided to move and join the family. he would miss matthew casey , but the officer promised him that he'd be back to chicago eventually.he joins the second shift starts to ride on truck 81 under stella kidd. for extra money, he also bartends at mollys pub.
coming soon
ethan carpenter
NAME: Ethan CarpenterNICKNAME/ALIAS:AGE: 34DATE OF BIRTH: September 28GENDER & PRONOUNS: male, he/himORIENTATION: heterosexualRACE/ETHNICITY: human / caucasianNATIONALITY: american
HEIGHT: 6’0”WEIGHT: 180 lbs.HAIR: light brownEYES: BrownSCARS: NoneFACE CLAIM: Glen Powell
- coming soonNEUTRAL TRAITS:
- trait
- Charles Carpenter
- Cindy CarpenterSIBLINGS:
- Zachary , Anna , Jessica , Anthony , StephanieSIGNIFICANT OTHER:
- Adrianna Carpenter ( ex / trying )PETS:OCCUPATION: Firefighter, LieutenantHOMETOWN: waco, texasCURRENT RESIDENCE: Chicago, Illinois / USALANGUAGES: EnglishACCENT: None
ethan grew up in waco, texas he didn't come to chicago until after high school. he attended college majoring in business. but he dropped out his sophomore year and then joined the fire academy, deciding he wanted to help people more. this was when he met adrianna whom would eventually become his wife.
having children wasn't supposed to happen. for him, down the road but it happened at the age of twenty five.
coming soon